Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The latest

Beardy and I are big on Words With Friends.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Chad **updated

You guys ever have those nights where you plan to go to a movie but instead you go to the pub and have, like, 400 drinks instead? Yeah...that was me yesterday. The day after St. Patrick's Day. 

So we were at a pub downtown and there was a guy sitting at the bar by himself. And I felt strangely attracted to him? This was weird because (and I don't even know where to start) 1. he had those ear expander things, 2. he had a TON of tattoos, and 3. he had a giant beard. Like...not George Clooney, not even Brad Pitt. Think longer and more Jesusy. It was longer than that. Oh! And he was wearing a flat-brim baseball cap. Who am I these days?

So I "casually" started chatting with him when I ordered my beer. He looked cheerful about speaking to me. Later, when I came out of the bathroom, I flashed him a huge grin and walked into a table. Oops. 

Next time I ordered a beer, we started chatting more, and actually exchanged phone numbers. We exchanged a little smooch (I am nothing if not classy) and my friends and I left. My wise friend C said "I am letting this last exactly one night." I texted him some frankly weird texts on the train home, but I didn't hear back. 

I did, however, hear from him this morning? He wanted to add me on Facebook. His cover photo, of course, is a photo progression of his beard growing. Even more noteworthy than that: he's in a relationship. !!


I learned the following things on FB:
  • His profile photo looks like "one of those courtroom drawings when cameras aren't allowed in" (credit to T)
  • He is an artist, and is actually pretty good
  • He's maybe an alcoholic? And has acknowledged this by making a mock "Intervention" episode about himself. He forwarded me the link this morning

Thursday, March 15, 2012

A cancellation

So, I decided to cancel my Match account today. I have only been on for three months, but out of the probably (and literally) FIFTY emails I sent out, I heard back from two guys. TWO. What a waste of my money and time. I have friends who it really worked for, but clearly it was not for me. 

I kind of think that I might have better luck meeting guys in person for some reason. I have had tons of people look over my profile and help me rewrite it. I am seriously at a loss as to why I had such a crappy experience, but c'est la vie I guess. And if I am going to continue to have a crappy time online dating, I would rather do it on a site that is not charging me an arm and a leg for the privilege.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time to change my pics?

"I looked at your pictures. You are so beautiful and sexy. Your tops are amazing. The second picture reveal what a beautiful boobs you have."

Monday, March 5, 2012

Same story...different shoe? Does that make sense?

I went for a nice coffee date this week at a really cute little place. Too bad it was with a super cute guy....who had a girlfriend. And we talked about work. I can't figure out which I should concentrate more on: getting a job, or getting a man. (I know that the right answer is a job!)