You guys ever have those nights where you plan to go to a movie but instead you go to the pub and have, like, 400 drinks instead? Yeah...that was me yesterday. The day after St. Patrick's Day.
So we were at a pub downtown and there was a guy sitting at the bar by himself. And I felt strangely attracted to him? This was weird because (and I don't even know where to start) 1. he had those ear expander things, 2. he had a TON of tattoos, and 3. he had a giant beard. Like...not George Clooney, not even Brad Pitt. Think longer and more Jesusy. It was longer than that. Oh! And he was wearing a flat-brim baseball cap. Who am I these days?
So I "casually" started chatting with him when I ordered my beer. He looked cheerful about speaking to me. Later, when I came out of the bathroom, I flashed him a huge grin and walked into a table. Oops.
Next time I ordered a beer, we started chatting more, and actually exchanged phone numbers. We exchanged a little smooch (I am nothing if not classy) and my friends and I left. My wise friend C said "I am letting this last exactly one night." I texted him some frankly weird texts on the train home, but I didn't hear back.
I learned the following things on FB:
- His profile photo looks like "one of those courtroom drawings when cameras aren't allowed in" (credit to T)
- He is an artist, and is actually pretty good
- He's maybe an alcoholic? And has acknowledged this by making a mock "Intervention" episode about himself. He forwarded me the link this morning
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