Monday, February 9, 2015

Update & General Frustrations with the Online Dating World

BEN (UPDATE): We ended up going on a second date a few days later and went skating on the canal. I definitely got more of a friend vibe. There wasn't much romance going on, especially when (yet again) he didn't pay for my drink post-skating. There were many other red flags too. Ah well, I gave it a shot!

Sadly, I am left with no prospects. But I AM looking forward to escaping this cold and heading down south very soon! Will be good to come back feeling refreshed.

In the meantime... I just want to put it out there that I don't think I'm being unreasonable in the following ways:
- I think it's more than reasonable to expect a guy to get back to me within a 24-48hr timeframe (emphasis on 24hr), unless he is obviously out of the country or busy with something. What's up with these dudes who follow up DAYS later to a simple text? It literally takes two seconds. Are they too busy to date?
- I want to feel special. At least a little bit. Especially on a first date! So please, do me a favour and at least offer to pay for my drinks/dinner. Huge turn off if you don't and I know you've got the cash with that great job you've got. Pick me up, walk me home OR make sure I got home safely after a night date. Your concern means a lot to us ladies. It shows that you care.
- I'm tired of excuses like "oh, i lost my phone for a week and a half" or "sorry, my cell phone signal is really weak at my place". Seriously? Do you think I'm that dumb? Meanwhile, I can SEE that you are online.
- PLAN. A. DATE. Don't put it all on me to chase after you every time you want to meet up. Hell, you don't even have to plan it. But at least pick a day and time you want to see me (preferably not the day of). I remember asking Robert mid-week if he wanted to get together on the weekend and it was "too soon" to commit to plans (aka he clearly was waiting for something better to come up, at least that's what it felt like).
- Show that you're interested. Don't follow the three day rule. Or hey, if you're NOT interested, don't pretend to be. That is the worst. I'm a big girl and can take it.
- Invite me over to your place (but not on the first date). The second that you are always coming over to mine, red flags start to go off. What are you hiding over there... a gf? Wife? Drugs? Dead bodies?


  1. A lot of conditions in order to get with you... Red flag!

  2. Haha, you must not be a female online dater or you would understand ;)

  3. No, Just one of the guys mentioned in your blog posts.
