Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Lack of updates

As the titles indicates...I've got nothing. I have a serious love/hate relationship with online dating. I've been communicating pretty consistently with one guy, but we have yet to meet in person (long, legitimate sounding story). What really annoys me is the fact that I get in touch with TONS of guys. And yet...I hear nothing back. The only guy who I has even seemed slightly appealing and has been in touch is the one I am communicating with.

So what am I doing wrong? My profile doesn't have any spelling errors. I don't look fat in my profile pictures. I send short messages that actively address what the guys talk about in their profiles.

Anyways, I am just feeling kind of down about it lately. Maybe you have some tips for me?


  1. My cousin is going through the same thing - getting depressed. Don't give up... it's nothing to do with YOU! I used to write to tons of guys and sometimes we'd communicate for ages but they'd never ask me out. So infuriating. Keep at it, you're not alone:


  2. Thanks HK! I never knew about that site. I love it!

  3. Dating can be super frustrating! There were many times when I'd take a break, then go back to it, then break again. It felt like my part-time job, and it was a lot of effort to log onto a computer after a long day in the a computer. I am SO glad to hear that you are the one contacting the guys and not just waiting around for them to contact you (which I think a lot of girls do). Keep at it, and I'm sure it will pay off. Can't wait for date recaps from you!
