Monday, September 28, 2009

Welcome to the World of Online Dating

I never thought I would try online dating. I hemmed and hawed for months before FINALLY creating a profile for myself one night with a friend (and a bottle of wine). The concept seemed so foreign to me. In the beginning, I would "send a smile" or message various singles, but never really focus so much on actually meeting up in person. Then one day, a friend asked me: "Soooo why exactly are you on there then?". Bah! Totally called out. It's true, I'm looking for a date, not a penpal.

The truth is, online dating can be fun IF you make it fun. It's a good social experiment. It forces you to interact and converse with people you would never have otherwise met living in the same city. Trust me, I was mega shy growing up so this is good practice. What do you have to lose? Sure, it's scary - putting yourself out there like that. But it's hard to meet new people (how many times have you heard that?) and the ratio of girls to guys in Ottawa is something like 6:1.


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